Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer Solstice . . . Warm Day . . . Hot Ride!

Jackie and I began our ride this morning at 11:30 AM. It was already a very warm 78 degrees. The sun was high overhead and beating down on us. The shaded parts of our ride felt wonderful. Jackie and I were enjoying the scenery, the ride, and the beautiful hot weather when half way into our bike ride Jackie got a flat. We stopped along the road on a shady section and I had her tire fixed in less than 5 minutes. I must admit that, thanks to my hubby Joe, I am pretty good at fixing flats. Joe made me practice years ago until I had it nailed.

After I fixed Jackie's flat tire we got back on our bikes and pedaled for about 5 minutes and came upon an espresso stand. Our water bottles were almost empty and we were in need of food and liquids and a rest too so we stopped. We both ordered iced tea, large bottles of water, and cookies. We sat at one of the espresso stand's tables which had a nice big umbrella, which was perfect for keeping the sun off our faces. After 10 or 15 minutes and feeling much better, we felt recovered enough to continue our ride. On our way back we ran into a strong headwind. Trying to stay positive regarding the headwind on the last part of our ride I kept telling myself winds help stengthen legs. My daughter was not seeing it that way. We finally finished at 2:30 PM with a temperature of 82 degrees. Hot for us here in the Seattle area after weeks of 40-50 degree weather.

On our way home we stopped at Starbucks for an iced venti three splenda green tea. It was wonderful!

We got 30 miles in and averaged 13.67 mph.

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